### Hi there, I'm Brieuc Dubois š
#### Glad to see you here! ![visitors](https://visitor-badge.glitch.me/badge?page_id=BhasherBEL)
I am a bachelor student in computer science at [University of Louvain](https://github.com/uclouvain) in Belgium. I love programming and learning new things mainly to use them to improve my life and that of my mates.
#### Some personal stuffs:
- š Iām currently working on many pretty cool things as I love to work on many projects at the time.
- š± Iām currently learning a ton of new things such as [devOps](https://github.com/BhasherBEL/homelab), [flutter](https://github.com/BhasherBEL/Splitr) and [network security](https://github.com/BhasherBEL/HTTPOverDNS).
- šÆ Iām looking to collaborate on stuffs I use, to improve them for myself and for any other user, by example [Finamp](https://github.com/jmshrv/finamp), [Dashy](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy) and [Focalbard](https://github.com/mattermost/focalboard).
- š¬ Ask me anything, I will try to answer and if I don't have enough knowledge, I will learn it.
- š« The best way to reach me is by pull request one of my repos š.
#### My GitHub stats: