// COURSELORE CONFIGURATION import url from "node:url"; export default { // The main hostname through which people may access Courselore. hostname: "YOUR-DOMAIN.EDU", // The path to the folder in which Courselore stores data: // the database and the files uploaded by users (for example, user avatars and attachments in messages). // With the line below this is a folder called ‘data/’ relative to this configuration file. // In most cases this is appropriate, but you may want to change it to an absolute path, for example, ‘/home/courselore/data/’. dataDirectory: url.fileURLToPath(new URL("./data/", import.meta.url)), // Configuration for the email server that delivers email on Courselore’s behalf. // Use the format of arguments accepted by Nodemailer’s ‘.createTransport()’. See https://nodemailer.com/smtp/. email: { options: { host: "SMTP.YOUR-DOMAIN.EDU", auth: { user: "SMTP USERNAME", pass: "SMTP PASSWORD", }, }, defaults: { from: { name: "Courselore", address: "FROM@YOUR-DOMAIN.EDU", }, }, }, // This email address serves two purposes: // 1. If something goes wrong in Courselore, we direct users to report the issue to this email. // 2. We provide this email to the certificate authority providing a TLS certificate (necessary for httpS to work). // In case something goes wrong with the certificate, they’ll contact you at this address. administratorEmail: "ADMINISTRATOR@YOUR-DOMAIN.EDU", // [OPTIONAL] Other hostnames you’d like to redirect to this Courselore installation. // alternativeHostnames: ["WWW.YOUR-DOMAIN.EDU", "..."], // [OPTIONAL, BUT RECOMMENDED] See https://hstspreload.org/. // hstsPreload: true, // [OPTIONAL] Extra Caddy configuration to add to Courselore’s Caddy configuration. See https://caddyserver.com. // caddy: ``, };