import express from "express"; import http from "http"; import https from "https"; import { SMTPServer, SMTPServerOptions } from "smtp-server"; import mailparser from "mailparser"; import React from "react"; import ReactDOMServer from "react-dom/server"; import xml2js from "xml2js"; import fs from "fs"; import cryptoRandomString from "crypto-random-string"; const webApp = express() .use(express.static("static")) .use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true })) .get("/", (req, res) => res.send( renderHTML(
) ) ) .post("/", (req, res) => { const inbox: Inbox = { name:, token: newToken() }; fs.writeFileSync(feedPath(inbox.token), renderXML(Feed(inbox))); res.send( renderHTML( ) ); }); const emailApp: SMTPServerOptions = { authOptional: true, async onData(stream, session, callback) { const paths = session.envelope.rcptTo.flatMap(({ address }) => { const match = address.match(/^(\w+)$/); if (match === null) return []; const token = match[1]; const path = feedPath(token); if (!fs.existsSync(path)) return []; return [path]; }); if (paths.length === 0) return callback(); const email = await mailparser.simpleParser(stream); const { entry } = Entry({ title: email.subject, author: email.from.text, // FIXME: / typeof email.html !== "boolean" => email.html !== false content: typeof email.html !== "boolean" ? email.html : email.textAsHtml }); for (const path of paths) { const xml = await new xml2js.Parser().parseStringPromise( fs.readFileSync(path, "utf8") ); xml.feed.updated = now(); if (xml.feed.entry === undefined) xml.feed.entry = []; xml.feed.entry.unshift(entry); while (xml.feed.entry.length > 0 && renderXML(xml).length > 500_000) xml.feed.entry.pop(); fs.writeFileSync(path, renderXML(xml)); } callback(); } }; export const developmentWebServer = http.createServer(webApp); export const developmentEmailServer = new SMTPServer(emailApp); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") { const productionWebApp = express() .use((req, res, next) => { if ( req.protocol !== "https" || req.hostname !== "" ) return res.redirect( 301, `${req.originalUrl}` ); next(); }) .use(webApp); const credentials = { key: fs.readFileSync( "/etc/letsencrypt/live/", "utf8" ), cert: fs.readFileSync( "/etc/letsencrypt/live/", "utf8" ) }; http.createServer(productionWebApp).listen(80); https.createServer(credentials, productionWebApp).listen(443); new SMTPServer({ ...credentials, ...emailApp }).listen(25); } else { developmentWebServer.listen(8000); developmentEmailServer.listen(2525); } type Inbox = { name: string; token: string; }; function Layout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) { return ( Kill the Newsletter!

Kill the Newsletter!

Convert email newsletters into Atom feeds

Convert email newsletters into Atom feeds

); } function Form() { return (

); } function Created({ inbox: { name, token } }: { inbox: Inbox }) { return ( <>

“{name}” Inbox Created

Sign up for the newsletter with

Subscribe to the Atom feed at

Don’t share these addresses.
They contain a security token that other people could use
to send you spam and to control your newsletter subscriptions.

Enjoy your readings!

Create Another Inbox

); } function Feed(inbox: Inbox) { const { name, token } = inbox; return { feed: { $: { xmlns: "" }, link: [ { $: { rel: "self", type: "application/atom+xml", href: feedURL(token) } }, { $: { rel: "alternate", type: "text/html", href: "" } } ], id: id(token), title: name, subtitle: `Kill the Newsletter! Inbox “${feedEmail(token)}”`, updated: now(), ...Entry({ title: `“${name}” Inbox Created`, author: "Kill the Newsletter!", content: ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup( ) }) } }; } function Entry({ title, author, content }: { title: string; author: string; content: string; }) { return { entry: { id: id(newToken()), title, author: { name: author }, updated: now(), content: { $: { type: "html" }, _: content } } }; } function newToken() { return cryptoRandomString({ length: 20, characters: "1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" }); } function now() { return new Date().toISOString(); } export function feedPath(token: string) { return `static/feeds/${token}.xml`; } function feedURL(token: string) { return `${token}.xml`; } export function feedEmail(token: string) { return `${token}`; } function id(token: string) { return `urn:kill-the-newsletter:${token}`; } function renderHTML(component: React.ReactElement): string { return `\n${ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(component)}`; } function renderXML(xml: object): string { return new xml2js.Builder().buildObject(xml); }