#!/usr/bin/env node import assert from "node:assert/strict"; import fs from "node:fs/promises"; import path from "node:path"; import url from "node:url"; import timers from "node:timers/promises"; import os from "node:os"; import * as commander from "commander"; import express from "express"; import nodemailer from "nodemailer"; import sql, { Database } from "@leafac/sqlite"; import html, { HTML } from "@leafac/html"; import css, { localCSS } from "@leafac/css"; import javascript, { localJavaScript } from "@leafac/javascript"; import lodash from "lodash"; import { execa, ExecaChildProcess } from "execa"; import caddyfile from "dedent"; import dedent from "dedent"; if (process.env.TEST === "kill-the-newsletter") { delete process.env.TEST; // import { jest, test, expect } from "@jest/globals"; // import os from "os"; // import path from "path"; // import fs from "fs"; // import * as got from "got"; // import nodemailer from "nodemailer"; // import html from "@leafac/html"; // import killTheNewsletter from "."; // jest.setTimeout(300_000); // test("Kill the Newsletter!", async () => { // // Start servers // const rootDirectory = fs.mkdtempSync( // path.join(os.tmpdir(), "kill-the-newsletter--test--") // ); // const { webApplication, emailApplication } = killTheNewsletter(rootDirectory); // const webServer = webApplication.listen( // new URL(webApplication.get("url")).port // ); // const emailServer = emailApplication.listen( // new URL(webApplication.get("email")).port // ); // const webClient = got.default.extend({ // prefixUrl: webApplication.get("url"), // }); // const emailClient = nodemailer.createTransport(webApplication.get("email")); // const emailHostname = new URL(webApplication.get("url")).hostname; // // Create feed // const create = (await webClient.post("", { form: { name: "A newsletter" } })) // .body; // expect(create).toMatch(`“A newsletter” inbox created`); // const feedReference = create.match(/\/feeds\/([a-z0-9]{16})\.xml/)![1]; // // Test feed properties // const feedOriginal = await webClient.get(`feeds/${feedReference}.xml`); // expect(feedOriginal.headers["content-type"]).toMatch("application/atom+xml"); // expect(feedOriginal.headers["x-robots-tag"]).toBe("noindex"); // expect(feedOriginal.body).toMatch(html`A newsletter`); // // Test alternate // const alternateReference = feedOriginal.body.match( // /\/alternates\/([a-z0-9]{16})\.html/ // )![1]; // const alternate = await webClient.get( // `alternates/${alternateReference}.html` // ); // expect(alternate.headers["content-type"]).toMatch("text/html"); // expect(alternate.headers["x-robots-tag"]).toBe("noindex"); // expect(alternate.body).toMatch(`Enjoy your readings!`); // // Test email with HTML // await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); // Wait for a second to test that the ‘’ field will be updated // await emailClient.sendMail({ // from: "publisher@example.com", // to: `${feedReference}@${emailHostname}`, // subject: "Test email with HTML", // html: html`


`, // }); // const feedWithHTMLEntry = (await webClient.get(`feeds/${feedReference}.xml`)) // .body; // expect(feedWithHTMLEntry.match(/(.+?)<\/updated>/)![1]).not.toBe( // feedOriginal.body.match(/(.+?)<\/updated>/)![1] // ); // expect(feedWithHTMLEntry).toMatch( // html`publisher@example.com` // ); // expect(feedWithHTMLEntry).toMatch(html`Test email with HTML`); // expect(feedWithHTMLEntry).toMatch( // // prettier-ignore // html`${`


` // ); // // Test email with text // await emailClient.sendMail({ // from: "publisher@example.com", // to: `${feedReference}@${emailHostname}`, // subject: "Test email with text", // text: "A link: https://kill-the-newsletter.com", // }); // expect((await webClient.get(`feeds/${feedReference}.xml`)).body).toMatch( // // prettier-ignore // html`${`

A link: https://kill-the-newsletter.com

` // ); // // Test email missing fields // await emailClient.sendMail({ // to: `${feedReference}@${emailHostname}`, // }); // const feedMissingFields = (await webClient.get(`feeds/${feedReference}.xml`)) // .body; // expect(feedMissingFields).toMatch(html``); // expect(feedMissingFields).toMatch(html``); // expect(feedMissingFields).toMatch(html``); // // Test email to nonexistent ‘to’ (gets ignored) // await emailClient.sendMail({ // from: "publisher@example.com", // to: `nonexistent@${emailHostname}`, // subject: "Test email to nonexistent ‘to’ (gets ignored)", // text: "A link: https://kill-the-newsletter.com", // }); // expect((await webClient.get(`feeds/${feedReference}.xml`)).body).not.toMatch( // "Test email to nonexistent ‘to’ (gets ignored)" // ); // // Test truncation // for (let index = 1; index <= 5; index++) // await emailClient.sendMail({ // from: "publisher@example.com", // to: `${feedReference}@${emailHostname}`, // subject: `Test truncation: ${index}`, // text: `TRUNCATION ${index} `.repeat(10_000), // }); // const feedTruncated = (await webClient.get(`feeds/${feedReference}.xml`)) // .body; // expect(feedTruncated).toMatch("TRUNCATION 5"); // expect(feedTruncated).not.toMatch("TRUNCATION 1"); // // Test email that’s too long // await emailClient.sendMail({ // from: "publisher@example.com", // to: `${feedReference}@${emailHostname}`, // subject: "Test email that’s too long", // text: `TOO LONG `.repeat(100_000), // }); // const feedEvenMoreTruncated = ( // await webClient.get(`feeds/${feedReference}.xml`) // ).body; // expect(feedEvenMoreTruncated).not.toMatch("TOO LONG"); // expect(feedEvenMoreTruncated).not.toMatch("TRUNCATION 5"); // // Test email after truncation // await emailClient.sendMail({ // from: "publisher@example.com", // to: `${feedReference}@${emailHostname}`, // subject: "Test email after truncation", // text: "A link: https://kill-the-newsletter.com", // }); // expect((await webClient.get(`feeds/${feedReference}.xml`)).body).toMatch( // // prettier-ignore // html`Test email after truncation` // ); // // Stop servers // webServer.close(); // emailServer.close(); // }); assert.equal(1 + 1, 2); process.exit(0); } const version = JSON.parse( await fs.readFile(new URL("../../package.json", import.meta.url), "utf8") ).version; await commander.program .name("kill-the-newsletter") .description("Convert email newsletters into Atom feeds") .addOption( new commander.Option("--process-type ") .default("main") .hideHelp() ) .addOption( new commander.Option("--process-number ").hideHelp() ) .argument( "[configuration]", "Path to configuration file. If you don’t provide a configuration file, the application runs in demonstration mode.", url.fileURLToPath( new URL("../../configuration/default.mjs", import.meta.url) ) ) .version(version) .addHelpText( "after", "\n" + dedent` Configuration: See ‘https://github.com/courselore/courselore/blob/main/documentation/self-hosting.md’ for instructions, and ‘https://github.com/courselore/courselore/blob/main/configuration/example.mjs’ for an example. ` ) .allowExcessArguments(false) .showHelpAfterError() .action( async ( configuration: string, { processType, processNumber, }: { processType: "main" | "web" | "email"; processNumber: string; } ) => { const stop = new Promise((resolve) => { const processKeepAlive = new AbortController(); timers .setInterval(1 << 30, undefined, { signal: processKeepAlive.signal, }) [Symbol.asyncIterator]() .next() .catch(() => {}); for (const event of [ "exit", "SIGHUP", "SIGINT", "SIGQUIT", "SIGTERM", "SIGUSR2", "SIGBREAK", ]) process.on(event, () => { processKeepAlive.abort(); resolve(); }); }); const application: { name: string; version: string; process: { id: string; type: "main" | "web" | "email"; number: number; }; configuration: { hostname: string; dataDirectory: string; administratorEmail: string; environment: "production" | "development" | "other"; tunnel: boolean; alternativeHostnames: string[]; hstsPreload: boolean; caddy: string; }; static: { [path: string]: string; }; ports: { web: number[]; }; web: Omit & Function; email: "TODO"; log(...messageParts: string[]): void; database: Database; } = { name: "kill-the-newsletter", version, process: { id: Math.random().toString(36).slice(2), type: processType, number: (typeof processNumber === "string" ? Number(processNumber) : undefined) as number, }, configuration: (await import(url.pathToFileURL(configuration).href)) .default, static: JSON.parse( await fs.readFile( new URL("../static/paths.json", import.meta.url), "utf8" ) ), ports: { web: lodash.times( os.cpus().length, (processNumber) => 6000 + processNumber ), }, web: express(), email: "TODO", } as any; application.configuration.environment ??= "production"; application.configuration.tunnel ??= false; application.configuration.alternativeHostnames ??= []; application.configuration.hstsPreload ??= false; application.configuration.caddy ??= caddyfile``; application.log = (...messageParts) => { console.log( [ new Date().toISOString(), application.process.type, application.process.number, application.process.id, ...messageParts, ].join(" \t") ); }; application.log( "STARTED", ...(application.process.type === "main" ? [ application.name, application.version, `https://${application.configuration.hostname}`, ] : []) ); process.once("exit", () => { application.log("STOPPED"); }); type ResponseLocalsLogging = { log(...messageParts: string[]): void; }; application.web.enable("trust proxy"); application.web.use<{}, any, {}, {}, ResponseLocalsLogging>( (request, response, next) => { if (response.locals.log !== undefined) return next(); const id = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); const time = process.hrtime.bigint(); response.locals.log = (...messageParts) => { application.log( id, `${(process.hrtime.bigint() - time) / 1_000_000n}ms`, request.ip, request.method, request.originalUrl, ...messageParts ); }; const log = response.locals.log; log("STARTING..."); response.once("close", () => { const contentLength = response.getHeader("Content-Length"); log( "FINISHED", String(response.statusCode), ...(typeof contentLength === "string" ? [`${Math.ceil(Number(contentLength) / 1000)}kB`] : []) ); }); next(); } ); await fs.mkdir(application.configuration.dataDirectory, { recursive: true, }); application.database = new Database( path.join( application.configuration.dataDirectory, `${application.name}.db` ) ); process.once("exit", () => { application.database.close(); }); if (application.process.type === "main") { application.log("DATABASE MIGRATION", "STARTING..."); application.database.pragma("journal_mode = WAL"); // TODO: STOP USING DEFAULT VALUES. // TODO: DOUBLE-CHECK THAT THE OLD MIGRATION SYSTEM IS COMPATIBLE WITH THIS, USING SQLITE’S ‘PRAGMA USER_DATA’ await application.database.migrate( sql` CREATE TABLE "feeds" ( "id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "createdAt" TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "updatedAt" TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "reference" TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, "title" TEXT NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE "entries" ( "id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "createdAt" TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "reference" TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, "feed" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "feeds", "title" TEXT NOT NULL, "author" TEXT NOT NULL, "content" TEXT NOT NULL ); `, sql` CREATE INDEX "entriesFeed" ON "entries" ("feed"); ` ); application.log("DATABASE MIGRATION", "FINISHED"); } type ResponseLocalsBase = ResponseLocalsLogging & { css: ReturnType; javascript: ReturnType; }; application.web.use<{}, any, {}, {}, ResponseLocalsBase>( (request, response, next) => { response.locals.css = localCSS(); response.locals.javascript = localJavaScript(); if ( !["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "TRACE"].includes(request.method) && request.header("CSRF-Protection") !== "true" ) next("Cross-Site Request Forgery"); next(); } ); application.web.use<{}, any, {}, {}, ResponseLocalsBase>( express.urlencoded({ extended: true }) ); const layout = ({ request, response, head, body, }: { request: express.Request<{}, HTML, {}, {}, ResponseLocalsBase>; response: express.Response; head: HTML; body: HTML; }) => { const layoutBody = html`
`; return html` $${response.locals.css.toString()} $${head} $${layoutBody} $${response.locals.javascript.toString()} `; }; application.web.get<{}, any, {}, {}, ResponseLocalsBase>( "/", (request, response) => { response.send( layout({ request, response, head: html`Kill the Newsletter!`, body: html`

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dictum dui quis magna mollis, vel interdum felis consectetur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dictum dui quis magna mollis, vel interdum felis consectetur.

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`, }) ); } ); // #!/usr/bin/env node // import path from "path"; // import express from "express"; // import { SMTPServer } from "smtp-server"; // import mailparser from "mailparser"; // import fs from "fs-extra"; // import cryptoRandomString from "crypto-random-string"; // import { html, HTML } from "@leafac/html"; // import { css, process as processCSS } from "@leafac/css"; // import javascript from "tagged-template-noop"; // import { sql, Database } from "@leafac/sqlite"; // import databaseMigrate from "@leafac/sqlite-migration"; // const VERSION = require("../package.json").version; // export default function killTheNewsletter( // rootDirectory: string // ): { webApplication: express.Express; emailApplication: SMTPServer } { // const webApplication = express(); // webApplication.set("url", "http://localhost:4000"); // webApplication.set("email", "smtp://localhost:2525"); // webApplication.set("administrator", "mailto:kill-the-newsletter@leafac.com"); // fs.ensureDirSync(rootDirectory); // const database = new Database( // path.join(rootDirectory, "kill-the-newsletter.db") // ); // databaseMigrate(database, [ // ]); // webApplication.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "../public"))); // webApplication.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true })); // const logo = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "../public/logo.svg")); // function layout(body: HTML): HTML { // return processCSS(html` // // // // // // // // Kill the Newsletter! // // //

// Kill the Newsletter! //


Convert email newsletters into Atom feeds


// $${logo} //

// // // // // `); // } // webApplication.get<{}, HTML, {}, {}, {}>("/", (req, res) => { // res.send( // layout(html` //

// //


// //

// `) // ); // }); // webApplication.post<{}, HTML, { name?: string }, {}, {}>("/", (req, res) => { // if ( // typeof req.body.name !== "string" || // req.body.name.trim() === "" || // req.body.name.length > 500 // ) // return res.status(422).send( // layout( // html` //

// Error: Missing newsletter name. // Try again. //

// ` // ) // ); // const feedReference = newReference(); // const welcomeTitle = `“${req.body.name}” inbox created`; // const welcomeContent = html` //

// Sign up for the newsletter with
// ${feedReference}@${new URL(webApplication.get("email")) // .hostname} //


// Subscribe to the Atom feed at
// ${webApplication.get("url")}/feeds/${feedReference}.xml //


// Don’t share these addresses.
// They contain an identifier that other people could use to send you spam // and to control your newsletter subscriptions. //


Enjoy your readings!


// Create another inbox //

// `; // database.executeTransaction(() => { // const feedId = database.run( // sql`INSERT INTO "feeds" ("reference", "title") VALUES (${feedReference}, ${req.body.name})` // ).lastInsertRowid; // database.run( // sql` // INSERT INTO "entries" ("reference", "feed", "title", "author", "content") // VALUES ( // ${newReference()}, // ${feedId}, // ${welcomeTitle}, // ${"Kill the Newsletter!"}, // ${welcomeContent} // ) // ` // ); // }); // res.send( // layout(html` //


// $${welcomeContent} // `) // ); // }); // function renderFeed(feedReference: string): HTML | undefined { // const feed = database.get<{ // id: number; // updatedAt: string; // title: string; // }>( // sql`SELECT "id", "updatedAt", "title" FROM "feeds" WHERE "reference" = ${feedReference}` // ); // if (feed === undefined) return; // const entries = database.all<{ // createdAt: string; // reference: string; // title: string; // author: string; // content: string; // }>( // sql` // SELECT "createdAt", "reference", "title", "author", "content" // FROM "entries" // WHERE "feed" = ${feed.id} // ORDER BY "id" DESC // ` // ); // return html` // // // // // urn:kill-the-newsletter:${feedReference} // ${feed.title} // Kill the Newsletter! Inbox: // ${feedReference}@${new URL(webApplication.get("email")).hostname} → // ${webApplication.get("url")}/feeds/${feedReference}.xml // ${new Date(feed.updatedAt).toISOString()} // Kill the Newsletter! // $${entries.map( // (entry) => html` // // urn:kill-the-newsletter:${entry.reference} // ${entry.title} // ${entry.author} // ${new Date(entry.createdAt).toISOString()} // // ${entry.content} // // ` // )} // // `.trim(); // } // webApplication.get<{ feedReference: string }, HTML, {}, {}, {}>( // "/feeds/:feedReference.xml", // (req, res, next) => { // const feed = renderFeed(req.params.feedReference); // if (feed === undefined) return next(); // res.type("atom").header("X-Robots-Tag", "noindex").send(feed); // } // ); // webApplication.get<{ entryReference: string }, HTML, {}, {}, {}>( // "/alternates/:entryReference.html", // (req, res, next) => { // const entry = database.get<{ content: string }>( // sql`SELECT "content" FROM "entries" WHERE "reference" = ${req.params.entryReference}` // ); // if (entry === undefined) return next(); // res.header("X-Robots-Tag", "noindex").send(entry.content); // } // ); // webApplication.use((req, res) => { // res.send( // layout(html` //

404 Not found


// Create a new inbox //

// `) // ); // }); // const emailApplication = new SMTPServer({ // disabledCommands: ["AUTH", "STARTTLS"], // async onData(stream, session, callback) { // try { // const email = await mailparser.simpleParser(stream); // const from = email.from?.text ?? ""; // const subject = email.subject ?? ""; // const body = // typeof email.html === "string" ? email.html : email.textAsHtml ?? ""; // database.executeTransaction(() => { // for (const address of new Set( // session.envelope.rcptTo.map( // (smtpServerAddress) => smtpServerAddress.address // ) // )) { // const addressParts = address.split("@"); // if (addressParts.length !== 2) continue; // const [feedReference, hostname] = addressParts; // if (hostname !== new URL(webApplication.get("email")).hostname) // continue; // const feed = database.get<{ id: number }>( // sql`SELECT "id" FROM "feeds" WHERE "reference" = ${feedReference}` // ); // if (feed === undefined) continue; // database.run( // sql` // INSERT INTO "entries" ("reference", "feed", "title", "author", "content") // VALUES ( // ${newReference()}, // ${feed.id}, // ${subject}, // ${from}, // ${body} // ) // ` // ); // database.run( // sql`UPDATE "feeds" SET "updatedAt" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE "id" = ${feed.id}` // ); // while (renderFeed(feedReference)!.length > 500_000) // database.run( // sql`DELETE FROM "entries" WHERE "feed" = ${feed.id} ORDER BY "id" ASC LIMIT 1` // ); // } // }); // callback(); // } catch (error) { // console.error( // `Failed to receive message: ‘${JSON.stringify(session, null, 2)}’` // ); // console.error(error); // stream.resume(); // callback(new Error("Failed to receive message. Please try again.")); // } // }, // }); // function newReference(): string { // return cryptoRandomString({ // length: 16, // characters: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", // }); // } // return { webApplication, emailApplication }; // } // if (require.main === module) { // console.log(`Kill the Newsletter!/${VERSION}`); // if (process.argv[2] === undefined) { // const { webApplication, emailApplication } = killTheNewsletter( // path.join(process.cwd(), "data") // ); // webApplication.listen(new URL(webApplication.get("url")).port, () => { // console.log(`Web server started at ${webApplication.get("url")}`); // }); // emailApplication.listen(new URL(webApplication.get("email")).port, () => { // console.log(`Email server started at ${webApplication.get("email")}`); // }); // } else { // const configurationFile = path.resolve(process.argv[2]); // require(configurationFile)(require); // console.log(`Configuration loaded from ‘${configurationFile}’.`); // } // } switch (application.process.type) { case "main": { const childProcesses = new Set(); let restartChildProcesses = true; for (const execaArguments of [ ...Object.entries({ web: os.cpus().length, email: 1 }).flatMap( ([processType, processCount]) => lodash.times(processCount, (processNumber) => ({ file: process.argv[0], arguments: [ process.argv[1], "--process-type", processType, "--process-number", processNumber, configuration, ], options: { preferLocal: true, stdio: "inherit", ...(application.configuration.environment === "production" ? { env: { NODE_ENV: "production" } } : {}), }, })) ), { file: "caddy", arguments: ["run", "--config", "-", "--adapter", "caddyfile"], options: { preferLocal: true, stdout: "ignore", stderr: "ignore", input: caddyfile` { admin off ${ application.configuration.environment === "production" ? `email ${application.configuration.administratorEmail}` : `local_certs` } } (common) { header Cache-Control no-store header Content-Security-Policy "default-src https://${ application.configuration.hostname }/ 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; frame-ancestors 'none'; object-src 'none'" header Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy require-corp header Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy same-origin header Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy same-origin header Referrer-Policy no-referrer header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains${ application.configuration.hstsPreload ? `; preload` : `` }" header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff header Origin-Agent-Cluster "?1" header X-DNS-Prefetch-Control off header X-Frame-Options DENY header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies none header -Server header -X-Powered-By header X-XSS-Protection 0 header Permissions-Policy "interest-cohort=()" encode zstd gzip } ${[ ...(application.configuration.tunnel ? [] : [application.configuration.hostname]), ...application.configuration.alternativeHostnames, ] .map((hostname) => `http://${hostname}`) .join(", ")} { import common redir https://{host}{uri} 308 handle_errors { import common } } ${ application.configuration.alternativeHostnames.length > 0 ? caddyfile` ${application.configuration.alternativeHostnames .map((hostname) => `https://${hostname}`) .join(", ")} { import common redir https://${ application.configuration.hostname }{uri} 307 handle_errors { import common } } ` : `` } http${application.configuration.tunnel ? `` : `s`}://${ application.configuration.hostname } { route { import common route { root * ${JSON.stringify( url.fileURLToPath( new URL("../static/", import.meta.url) ) )} @file_exists file route @file_exists { header Cache-Control "public, max-age=31536000, immutable" file_server } } reverse_proxy ${application.ports.web .map((port) => `${port}`) .join(" ")} { lb_retries 1 } } handle_errors { import common } } ${application.configuration.caddy} `, }, }, ]) (async () => { while (restartChildProcesses) { const childProcess = execa( execaArguments.file, execaArguments.arguments as any, { ...execaArguments.options, reject: false, cleanup: false, } as any ); childProcesses.add(childProcess); const childProcessResult = await childProcess; application.log( "CHILD PROCESS RESULT", JSON.stringify(childProcessResult, undefined, 2) ); childProcesses.delete(childProcess); } })(); await stop; restartChildProcesses = false; for (const childProcess of childProcesses) childProcess.cancel(); break; } case "web": { const webApplication = application.web; webApplication.emit("start"); const server = webApplication.listen( application.ports.web[application.process.number], "" ); await stop; server.close(); webApplication.emit("stop"); break; } case "email": { // TODO await stop; break; } } await timers.setTimeout(10 * 1000, undefined, { ref: false }); process.exit(1); } ) .parseAsync();