-- Determine for each country the province in which the total number of purchases of product 0 is the highest; list the name of the country, the name of the province, and the number of purchases, both absolute and as a proportion of the total number of purchases in that country. -- Expected Heading: RELATION {country CHARACTER, province CHARACTER, abs INTEGER, prop FLOAT} -- How do you treat the default case as showed in the instructions? -- How do you treat the case where several provinces of a same country have the same total number of purchases of product 0? You should show all such provinces. SELECT name AS country, province, abs, prop FROM ( SELECT name AS province, country, max(cnt) as abs, max(cnt)*1.0/sum(cnt) AS prop FROM( SELECT province, sum(qty) as cnt FROM Purchases WHERE product = 0 GROUP BY province ) JOIN Province ON province = Province.ROWID GROUP BY country ) JOIN Country ON country = code ; -- V2 SELECT country.name, TMP.province, cnt AS abs, cnt*1.0/scnt AS prop FROM ( SELECT province.country AS code, province.name AS province, COUNT(Purchases.qty) AS cnt FROM province LEFT JOIN Purchases ON Purchases.product = 0 AND Purchases.province = province.ROWID GROUP BY province.name ) AS TMP JOIN ( SELECT code, province, MAX(cnt) AS mcnt, SUM(cnt) AS scnt FROM ( SELECT province.country AS code, province.name AS province, COUNT(Purchases.qty) AS cnt FROM province LEFT JOIN Purchases ON Purchases.product = 0 AND Purchases.province = province.ROWID GROUP BY province.name ) GROUP BY code ) AS F ON TMP.code = F.code AND TMP.cnt = F.mcnt JOIN country ON country.code = TMP.code ;