-- List for each continent and each possible number of items per purchase (in the range 1...10), the corresponding number of purchases. Only consider countries that are 100% located in their respective continents. -- How do you treat the default case as showed in the instructions? -- Expected Heading: RELATION {continent CHARACTER, qty INTEGER, cnt INTEGER} -- How do you treat the case where a country is splitted into two continents? SELECT continent.name AS continent, qty, COUNT(qty) AS cnt FROM continent JOIN Encompasses ON Encompasses.continent = continent.name AND Encompasses.percentage = 100.0 JOIN country ON country.code = Encompasses.country JOIN province ON province.country = country.code JOIN Purchases ON Purchases.province = province.ROWID WHERE qty <= 10 AND qty >= 1 AND time > date((SELECT MAX(time) FROM Purchases),'-10 days') GROUP BY continent.name, qty ;