** ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ** Thanks to Hugh Darwen and Chris Date for The Third Manifesto and Tutorial D. Special thanks to Hugh Darwen for reviewing the first release of Rel, and for helpful comments and encouragment. ** AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER) ** Bresnahan, Mike - Comments, suggestions, and testing - DBrowser font selection and menu Coulton, Ian - Type implementation work with Dave Voorhis Darwen, Hugh - Extensive testing Felix-Leite-Praca, Andre - External relvars FitzSimons, Bob - Rel source code examples for Rel2 - Extensive testing of Rel2 Glasu, Laura - Rev enhancements Record, James - Rev enhancements Voorhis, Dave or - Rel - DBrowser ** CREDITS ** JavaCC Project https://javacc.dev.java.net/ - javacc parser/scanner generator for Java Oracle Corp. http://oracle.com - Berkeley Java DB (used as a storage engine) - Java SDK - Miscellaneous Java source code If you've been missed from this document, please email Dave Voorhis (see above)