import os from hardcodedlist import detect_hardcoded_list from flaw_3 import detect_unused_loop_variable from flaw_4 import detect_missplaced_return from flaw_5 import detect_too_much_indent from flaw_6 import detect_print_instead_of_return # List of all regex rules detectors = [ detect_hardcoded_list, detect_unused_loop_variable, detect_missplaced_return, detect_too_much_indent, detect_print_instead_of_return, ] def process_code_files(): """ Process code files in the "./code" directory and detect flaws using the provided detectors. This function reads each code file in the "./code" directory, applies a set of regex rules to identify flaws in the code, and writes the results to a CSV file named "result.csv". """ with open("result.csv", "w") as csv: # Create headers column_name = [detector.__name__ for detector in detectors] csv.write(f"code;{';'.join(column_name)}\n") # Loop through all files in "./code" for path, _, files in os.walk("./code"): for file in files: fpath = os.path.join(path, file) # Open the file and read the code with open(fpath) as code_file: result = [file] code = try: for ( detector ) in detectors: # Loop through all regex and check flaws match = detector(code) result.append(str(match)) except Exception as e: print(e) # Write the output in the result file csv.write(";".join(result) + "\n") process_code_files()