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% plunit is a Prolog unit-test framework initially developed for SWI-Prolog
:- use_module(library(plunit)).
:- discontiguous test/2.
% Run the tests.
test :-
% 'clean' drop: call drop/1 and swallow any thrown exceptions
cdrop(Table) :-
catch(drop(Table), _, true).
% Checks that two lists have the same content.
same_content(L1, L2) :-
msort(L1, S),
msort(L2, S).
:- begin_tests(sql).
% Test if create/1 works.
test(create_table, cleanup(cdrop(foo))) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
member(foo, Tables), !.
% Test if create/1 throws an error on dup table name.
test(create_redundant, [throws(_), cleanup(cdrop(foo))]) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
create_table(foo, [bab, bac]).
% Test if the columns are properly recorded.
test(cols, cleanup(cdrop(foo))) :-
create_table(foo, [baru, bazu]),
cols(foo, Cols),
assertion(Cols == [baru, bazu]).
% Test if drop/1 works.
test(drop) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
drop(foo), !,
\+ member(foo, Tables).
% Test if drop/1 throws an error on unknown table name.
test(drop_inexistant, throws(_)) :-
% Test if row/2 returns the different rows of a given table.
test(rows, cleanup(cdrop(foo))) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
insert(foo, [1, 2]),
insert(foo, [3, 4]),
rows(foo, Rows),
% Test if row/2 fails on an unknown table name.
test(row_inexistant, throws(_)) :-
rows(foo, _Row).
% Test if rows/1 works when called for a given table name.
test(rows, cleanup(cdrop(foo))) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
insert(foo, [1, 2]),
insert(foo, [3, 4]),
% Test if rows/1 throws an error on unknown table name.
test(rows_inexistant, throws(_)) :-
% Simple insert/2 & selec/4 test.
test(insert2, cleanup(cdrop(foo))) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
insert(foo, [1, 2]),
%selec(foo, *, [], X/Y), !,
selec(foo, *, X/Y), !,
assertion(X == [+bar, +baz]),
assertion(Y == [1, 2]),
insert(foo, [3, 4]),
findall(Z, selec(foo, *, [], _/Z), Zs), !,
assertion(Zs == [[1,2],[3,4]]).
% Test if insert/2 throws an error on unknown table name.
test(insert_inexistant, throws(_)) :-
insert(foo, [1, 2]).
% Simple delete/1 test.
test(delete1, cleanup(cdrop(foo))) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
insert(foo, [1, 2]),
insert(foo, [3, 4]),
findall(Z, selec(foo, *, [], _/Z), Zs),
assertion(Zs == []),
member(foo, Tables).
% Simple delete/2 test.
test(delete2, cleanup(cdrop(foo))) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
insert(foo, [1, 2]),
insert(foo, [3, 4]),
delete(foo, [+bar = 1]),
findall(Z, selec(foo, *, [], _/Z), Zs),
assertion(Zs == [[3, 4]]).
% Another simple delete/2 test.
test(delete2bis, cleanup(cdrop(foo))) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
insert(foo, [1, 2]),
insert(foo, [3, 4]),
delete(foo, [+bar >= 1]),
findall(Z, selec(foo, *, [], _/Z), Zs),
assertion(Zs == []).
% Test delete/2 using multiple conditions.
test(delete2_mult, cleanup(cdrop(foo))) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
insert(foo, [1, 2]),
insert(foo, [3, 4]),
delete(foo, [+bar = 1, +baz = 2]),
findall(Z, selec(foo, *, [], _/Z), Zs),
assertion(Zs == [[3, 4]]).
% Another test of delete/2 using multiple conditions.
test(delete2_mult_bis, cleanup(cdrop(foo))) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
insert(foo, [1, 2]),
insert(foo, [3, 4]),
delete(foo, [+bar > 1, +baz < 2]),
findall(Z, selec(foo, *, [], _/Z), Zs),
assertion(Zs == [[1, 2],[3,4]]).
% Test selec/4 with a single condition +col condition.
test(selec_cond1) :-
selec(persons, *, [+id = 0], _/Row1), !,
assertion(Row1 == [0, "Jeffrey", "Bowman", 30, "Daytona Beach"]),
selec(persons, *, [+first = "Lorena"], _/Row2), !,
assertion(Row2 == [1, "Lorena", "Michaels", 50, "Boardman"]).
% Test selec/4 with two +col conditions.
test(selec_cond_mult1) :-
selec(persons, *, [+age = 47, +city = "Atlanta"], _/Row), !,
assertion(Row == [11, "Betty", "Strickland", 47, "Atlanta"]).
% Test selec/4 with a single projection and no conditions.
test(selec_proj) :-
findall(Row, selec(persons, [+first], [], _/Row), Rows0),
flatten(Rows0, Rows),
assertion(Rows == ["Jeffrey", "Lorena", "Joseph", "Stewart", "Thomas",
"Tameka", "Annette", "David", "Anthony", "Lindsay", "Claudette", "Betty",
"Richard", "Robert", "Candace", "Sandra"]).
% Test selec/4 with projections and a condition.
test(selec_mult_proj) :-
findall(Row, selec(persons, [+first, +last], [+age >= 70], _/Row), Rows),
same_content(Rows, [
["Stewart", "Sullivan"],
["Thomas", "Marshall"],
["Lindsay", "Faught"]]).
% Test that drop/1 correctly removes rows.
test(drop_implem, cleanup(cdrop(foo))) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
insert(foo, [1, 2]),
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
findall(Z, selec(foo, *, [], _/Z), Zs), !,
assertion(Zs == []).
% Test that tables/1 works.
test(tables, cleanup((cdrop(foo), cdrop(bar), cdrop(baz)))) :-
create_table(foo, []),
create_table(bar, []),
create_table(baz, []),
member(foo, Tables), !,
member(baz, Tables), !,
\+ member(bar, Tables), !.
% Test that insert/2 throws an error on unknown table name.
test(insert_inexistant, throws(_)) :-
insert(foobar, [1, 2]).
% Test that insert/2 throws an error if it is supplied too few values.
test(insert_count1, [throws(_), cleanup(drop(foo))]) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
insert(foo, [1]).
% Test that insert/2 throws an error if it is supplied too many values.
test(insert_count2, [throws(_), cleanup(drop(foo))]) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
insert(foo, [1, 2, 3]).
% Tests that delete/1 throws an error on unknown table name.
test(delete_inexistant1, throws(_)) :-
% Tests that delete/2 throws an error on unknown table name.
test(delete_inexistant2, throws(_)) :-
delete(foobar, []).
% Simple delete/2 test using the +<column>.
test(delete2_1, cleanup(drop(foo))) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
insert(foo, [1, 2]),
insert(foo, [3, 4]),
delete(foo, [+baz = 4]),
findall(Z, selec(foo, *, [], _/Z), Zs),
assertion(Zs == [[1, 2]]).
% delete/2 test using mixed notations.
test(delete2_2, cleanup(drop(foo))) :-
create_table(foo, [bar, baz]),
insert(foo, [1, 2]),
insert(foo, [3, 4]),
insert(foo, [3, 5]),
delete(foo, [+bar = 3, +baz = 4]),
findall(Z, selec(foo, *, [], _/Z), Zs),
assertion(Zs == [[1, 2], [3, 5]]).
% Test selec/4 with a projection and multiple conditions.
test(selec_mult_cond) :-
findall(Row, selec(persons, [+first, +last],
[+age >= 60, +city = "Atlanta"], _/Row), Rows),
same_content(Rows, [["Robert", "Evans"]]).
% ==============================================================================