
71 lines
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;Auhors:Dubois Brieuc, Dubois Simon
;This is the step 2 and step 3a combined
;Here we extracted the method definitons from the
;dispatch(self) function. We also implented a send
;function that allow to request a method from an object
;an pass it argument.
;Class definition
(define (point x y)
;Method definition
(define (getx) (lambda () x))
(define (gety) (lambda () y))
(define (type) (lambda () 'point))
(define (setx!) (lambda (nx) (set! x nx)))
(define (sety!) (lambda (ny) (set! y ny)))
(define (info) (lambda () (list 'point x y)))
(define (add) (lambda (p)
(let ((px ((p 'getx)))
(py ((p 'gety))))
(point (+ x px) (+ y py))
(define (sub) (lambda (p)
(let ((px ((p 'getx)))
(py ((p 'gety))))
(point (- x px) (- y py))
;message handeling method
(define (self m)
(cond ((eq? m 'getx) (getx))
((eq? m 'gety) (gety))
((eq? m 'type) (type))
((eq? m 'setx!) (setx!))
((eq? m 'sety!) (sety!))
((eq? m 'info) (info))
((eq? m 'add) (add))
((eq? m 'sub) (sub))
(else (lambda args (display (string-append "Message not understood: " (symbol->string m) "\n"))))))
(define (method-lookup reciever message)
(if (= (length message) 1)
((reciever (car message)))
((reciever (car message)) (car (cdr message)))
(define (send reciever . message)
(if (procedure? reciever)
(method-lookup reciever message)
(display (string-append "Inappropriate receiver object: " (symbol->string reciever) "\n"))
;Usage example
(define p1 (point 1 2))
(define p2 (point 3 4))
(send p1 'getx) ; 1
(send p1 'gety) ; 2
(send p2 'getx) ; 3
(send p2 'gety) ; 4
(define p (send p1 'add p2))
(send p 'info) ; (point 4 6)
(send 'not-a-point 'info) ; should display "Inappropriate receiver object"
(send p 'foo) ; should display "Message not understood"
(send p 'bar 2) ; should display "Message not understood"
(send p1 'setx! 5)
(send p1 'getx) ; returns 5